Open up the page, and you see the home screen, which shows overall market movement and the stocks with the biggest moves.

GTA V’s stock-trading platform is called the “Liberty City National Exchange Index,” and you can access it either from an in-game computer or from a character’s cell phone, which is on them at all times. It’s one of the tons of mini-games within the game that has nothing to do with the main story line, but I’m already completely addicted. Namely, the stock-trading platform, which allows you to buy and sell stocks inside the game using virtual money to invest in made-up companies. I’m only 14 percent of the way through the game, but I’ve already found a feature that is way more fun than playing the actual missions. If you’re one of the estimated 15 million people who bought Grand Theft Auto V and have been playing it since it came out last week, you’ve probably spent a lot of time killing gang members, plotting jewelry-store heists, and rendezvousing at strip clubs.